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Get involved
We need our water and climate security. Extinction is primarily caused by habitat loss.
Are we going to let them destroy ours?
We have put forward a Headwaters Reserve Proposal to protect the Kalang and Bellingen and Nambucca Headwaters permanently. You have a unique opportunity to support this.
You can contact the Premier and relevant Ministers.
More direct action you can take:
If you're interested in sponsoring us, please send us a message​
We need your support to stop irreversible damage to the Kalang River and Forests.
We rely on private, community donations and sponsorship to continue running our campaign.
Anchor 1
Please give generously to support the protection of Kalang River & Forest.
Make a direct bank transfer:
Description: KRFA Donation
BSB: 533 000
Account: 02 029 349
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